Throughout growing up, I always helped my parents renovate their rental
property homes. They taught me a range
of skills from plumbing to electrical, from landscaping to home maintenance,
from carpentry to paying attention to detail and putting in the little extra
effort to make something really stand out and shine to always taking pride in
your work because it is a reflection on you and your product. A quality product brings in more money,
whether it’s rent or a sale price. When
it comes to rentals, my parents taught me to “never rent anything out that you wouldn't be willing to live in yourself.”
My parents helped me get into the real estate business when I was in
college. I owned my first home all
throughout college and rented out the two additional rooms which completely
helped pay for my living expenses. With
the updates I did to my college home and by taking care of it, we ended up
selling the home for a huge profit. I
was involved with the buying, negotiations, upkeep, and selling of the home. Here is a picture of my college home - not too shabby, huh?
Since then my husband and I have bought two homes For Sale By
Owner. We have had the opportunity to
personally deal with the negotiations and legal contracts that are associated
with real estate. We have strategically
renovated our first home to be neutral but stylish in order to appeal to the masses of
renters and have gone through the process of putting it up for rent.
try to increase value at this moment in our lives by doing projects ourselves
instead of hiring someone else to do them.
Not only is it good experience for us to learn new skills (every project
has its own unique problems), but it saves us tons of money, too!